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First Term Airman Course (FTAC)
Monday, April 04, 2022, 07:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 714

FTAC ( First Term Airman Course)

April 4 -8 , 7am - 4pm


The Airmanship series of courses are designed to ensure Airmen receive deliberate development at every milestone in their careers. Airmanship 300 is a continuation of the

training Airmen receive at Basic Military Training (Airmanship 100) and in technical training (Airmanship200)/ Airmanship 300 revamped FTAC from an in-processing focused

program to a standard curriculum focused on developing Airmen. Airmanship 300 consists of Enhancing Human Capital discussions about trust, loyalty and commitment,

in-group behavioral psychology and team-building exercises. Airmen will also be introduced to scenarios as part of the "What Now, Airman?" series and will be guided through

discussions on how to approach the potential ethical dilemmas. All FTA must attend an FTAC within 30 days of arrival on station. Supervisors' support and involvement with

individuals attending FTAC are critical to the future of Airmen.

Location Professional Development Center :BLDG. 2902
Contact 228- 377-3034
POC: MSgt Cameron Hickey